Slide Rail System
What is slide rail?
The Universal Slide Rail is a component shoring system comprised of steel panels and vertical steel posts. Installing component pieces rather than larger assembled trench shields allows a contractor to use more common-sized excavators and heavy equipment.
It is commonly used as a cost-effective alternate to traditional driven close-sheeting. The versatile system can be used in a variety of configurations such as small four-sided pits; large unobstructed working pits as big as 50 x 50 feet with the ClearSpan configuration; or long length of pipe over 40 feet.
How is Slide Rail used?
Slide Rail is installed simultaneously as the trench or pit is excavated, by sliding the panels into integrated rails on the posts-an outside slotted rail first, then an open-face rail on the inside-then pushing the panels and posts incrementally down to grade as the pit is dug; a process commonly referred to as a “dig and push” system.
Slide Rail System
- Four Sided Pit
- Clear Span Waler System
- 4 Sided or Linear Multi-Bay
- Sheeting Guide Frame and Panel Guide Systems