Equipment Rentals Pump & Power COOPERconnect Careers 1‑844‑5-TRENCH

Groundworks Trench Shield (Super Light Box 10’H x 10’L)

Groundworks trench boxes are safe and fast to assemble only taking 15 minutes or less with 1 machine, 1 operator and 1 worker. Made of hi-tensile steel, they are 40% lighter than traditional trench boxes which reduces the size of equipment required to handle the shields.

The 4-sided Universal Connector system means boxes can be stacked or made 4-sided in minutes rather than hours. Two Gravity Lock trench boxes can be assembled and stacked in under 40 minutes and a 4-sided box can be completed in under 1 hour.


Model(Ft.) (Ht-Lg.) Super Light Box 10'H x 10'L
Weight (lbs.) 3,350
Maximum Depth (Ft.) Per Soil Type (B-45 (II)) 18
Maximum Depth (Ft.) Per Soil Type (C-60 (III)) 15
Maximum Depth (Ft.) Per Soil Type (C-80 (IV)) 12

*Other sizes and depths ratings are available. Contact your local rental representative for available rental equipmentv

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