Equipment Rentals Pump & Power COOPERconnect Careers 1‑844‑5-TRENCH

6” Double Wall Steel Trench Shield (10×28)

The 6” double walled steel trench box is the most versatile steel shield available. It combines depth capability with lightweight narrow side walls. Designed for medium range excavators in the 30,000 – 80,000+ lbs. weight-class.


  • Deep sanitary sewer
  • Water main
  • Storm sewer


Model(Ft.) (Ht-Lg.) 10x28
Weight (lbs.) 1,800
Pipe CL (Inches) 84
Shield Capacity (PSF) 833
Depth of Cut (Ft.) Soil Type (B-45 (II)) 18
Depth of Cut (Ft.) Soil Type (C-60 (III)) 14
Depth of Cut (Ft.) Soil Type (C-80 (IV)) 10

*Other sizes and depths ratings are available. Contact your local rental representative for available rental equipment.

8" Schedule 80 Spreader Pipe is included with Steel Trench Shield (Class 92) rentals.

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